Anthropologie Curtain Look-A-Likes
I fell in love with these beauties from Anthropologie, but I did NOT fall in love with the price... $70 per panel? With two windows, I could not bring myself to pay almost $300 for curtains... Maybe curtains for the entire house, but definitely not for one room!! So I set out on my very first sewing adventure! Thanks to my dear friend Jenna for guiding me through the process and to my sweet momma for letting me use her sewing machine!

Finding the right color fabric turned out to be more difficult than expected, but I finally found some at Jo-Ann (and obviously used a coupon)! First we measured, and then measured again, and then we cut the fabric for the panels as well as the ruffle strips. The curtains themselves weren't too difficult to sew - the ruffles were SLIGHTLY more difficult :-)
We cut the strips and folded them into accordions, and then ironed them so they'd stay put when we sewed them.

Then we sewed a straight line all the way up each which wasn't too difficult. What proved itself tricky was figuring out how to sew the ruffle up through the rod pocket (word to the wise: sew the ruffles on first before completing the sewing on the rod pocket!)
*Apologies in advance for the quality of the photos (they are from my old iPhone)

After you sew on the ruffles, you have to smush them all up... We used the iron to unperfect the folds to make them into ruffles. (the steam works great, so a steamer would probably serve the same purpose!)

Here's an image of half of the curtain "smushed"!

Here's the final product! I'm SO pleased with how they turned out! I probably could have picked a slightly easier sewing project for my first time around, but I sure learned a lot!